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Recovery after a flood

How to clear up and repair your property after a flood, and supporting your mental health.

Person wearing jeans and yellow wellies standing in shallow floodwater

Report the flood

Tell your insurance company that your property has been flooded.

If your property has been internally flooded, report this to Norfolk County Council:

Report the flood to Norfolk County Council online

Call the Norfolk Flooding Hotline on 0344 800 8013

If your property has been flooded from sewers, tell Anglian Water. They will visit your property to investigate the cause and work with you to decide the best way to clean things up.

Get water out

You can use a pump and generator to get water out of your property. Only pump out water when flood levels outside your property start to be lower than inside.

If you are drying your property naturally, keep doors and windows open as much as possible. But if you use dehumidifiers, close external doors and windows.

Wear protective clothing

Floodwater can be contaminated. This contamination remains after the floodwater has gone and can be hazardous unless simple procedures are followed.

Follow GOV.UK's guidance on cleaning up after a flood. Wear suitable protection such as waterproof outerwear, gloves, wellington boots, and a face mask.

Dispose of sandbags properly

The county, district, and borough councils in Norfolk do not provide sandbags.

If you have used sandbags to protect your property they will be contaminated. You must dispose of them properly. Contact your local district or borough council for disposal guidance.

Keep evidence for insurance claims

While it may be tempting to do a complete clean-up, do not throw away damaged items.

If you make an insurance claim, your provider will ask for a full description of what has happened, including photo or video evidence.

Check utilities are safe to use

Get a qualified person to check your utilities are safe to use.

You will need to arrange for a Gas Safe registered engineer to safely turn your supply back on:

Starting repairs

Get advice from specialists before starting repairs on your property. Remember that flood water may contain harmful substances which could make you unwell. 

Always use reputable building contractors and beware of bogus trade people calling door to door. Use Norfolk Trusted Trader to find local service providers that have been checked by Norfolk Trading Standards.

If mud has built up against a wall, shovel mud away from both sides of the wall. This will help relieve the build up of pressure and reduce moisture getting in.

Supporting mental health

Everyone will respond differently to an incident like a flood. You, your family or neighbours may experience shock, low mood and depression, feelings of helplessness, and stress.

These resources explain what you can expect to feel after a flooding incident. They can help you understand and have more control over your experience:

Most people who have encountered a traumatic event find their symptoms fade over time. If you find your symptoms do not improve, there are local organisations that provide mental health support.  

If you are in immediate danger, call the emergency services on 999.

Report a flood

If you are in immediate danger, call 999.

In non-emergency situations, call the Flooding Hotline on 0344 800 8013 or report flooding online.

Webpages related to Recovery after a flood

Prepare for a flood

How to protect yourself, your household, and your property against flooding

What to do in a flood

How to keep yourself and others safe during a flood

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