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What to do in an emergency

If you or someone else is in immediate danger, call 999.

Family with emergency backpacks leaving their front door quickly due to an emergency evacuation

Norfolk is a safe place to live and work, but emergencies can happen anywhere at any time. Make sure you know what emergencies can affect you, and what to do if an emergency happens.

Get to safety

If the danger is outside: Go in, stay in, and tune in

If an incident is happening nearby, or you believe you may be in danger, the best advice is usually to:

  • Go in: Find a safe building and go inside. Close all doors and windows.
  • Stay in: Stay inside until you are told otherwise by the emergency services or local radio
  • Tune in: Tune in to local radio stations, TV, or social media for the latest information

If the danger is inside: Get out and stay out

If there is a fire or other danger inside your home: get out, stay out, and call 999.

If the emergency services ask you to evacuate, follow their instructions and act quickly. You will only be asked to leave if it is essential for your safety.

Emergency contacts

Knowing who to contact for help in an emergency can save lives.

We've put together a list of emergency contacts to help you know who to call in am emergency.

Emergency contacts for Norfolk

Get information you can trust

Knowing where to get the latest information can help you, your community, and your business respond more effectively in an emergency.

Always get information and follow guidance from a reliable source - like the emergency services, your local council, or a government organisation.

Use social media responsibly. Only share information about an emergency if it is from a reliable source. Misinformation can be extremely harmful.

Get emergency alerts and updates

Webpages related to what to do in an emergency

Emergency evacuation

What happens if you're asked to leave your home in an emergency

Support your community

How to volunteer in an emergency and other ways you can support your community

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