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Emergency evacuation

Family with emergency backpacks leaving their front door quickly due to an emergency evacuation

In some situations, emergency services may ask you to leave your home for your own safety. For example, because of a fire, flood, or gas leak.

If you are asked to evacuate, remain calm and act quickly. Collect your emergency grab bag and follow instructions from emergency services.

If you can't stay with family or friends, your district council will set up a rest centre. The emergency services will tell you where this is.

Prepare for evacuation

Include emergency evacuation and escape routes in your household emergency plan.

Make sure everyone in your household knows:

  • How you will leave your home or neighbourhood if you have to evacuate
  • Alternative routes for getting out of your local area - in case it's not safe to leave by your usual route
  • Your agreed meeting points - where you will meet if it's not safe to go home or stay in your neighbourhood
  • How to tune in to local radio stations and social media for further advice and instructions. How to get emergency information you can trust

If you have a car, make sure the fuel tank is always at least half-full in case you need to evacuate.

Before you leave your home

If you have time and it is safe to do so:

  • Get your emergency grab bag
  • Turn off the gas, electricity, and water supplies
  • Unplug appliances
  • Lock doors and windows behind you, and take any pets with you

Returning home

If your property has been damaged, contact your insurer and utility companies.

Get a qualified person to check your utilities are safe to use. You will need to arrange for a Gas Safe registered engineer to safely turn your supply back on.

How to clear up and repair your property after a flood

What to do after a fire in your home (British Red Cross)

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