About the Norfolk Resilience Forum
Who we are
Norfolk Resilience Forum is a multi-agency partnership. We have representatives from:
- Emergency services
- Local authorities
- Health organisations
- Government agencies
- Utility and transport companies
- Voluntary groups
What we do
We coordinate Norfolk's preparation for, response to, and recovery from emergencies. This means our partners work together to:
- Identify risks in Norfolk and assess their potential impact on our community. We provide this information in a Community Risk Register
- Produce emergency plans to mitigate or prevent the impact of incidents in our community
- Organise emergency preparedness activity across Norfolk
- Coordinate organisations to respond to emergencies in Norfolk - from first response through to recovery
- Carry out regular training events and exercises to test emergency response plans
- Promote examples of best practice internally and externally
- Share relevant information with our member organisations, resilience partners, and other resilience forums
- Share risk and emergency preparedness information with Norfolk residents and businesses, encouraging personal and community resilience
We are one of many local resilience forums across England. The forums were set up to improve the coordination of emergency response efforts in the United Kingdom. This was in response to the Civil Contingencies Act (CCA) 2004.
Contact us
If someone is in immediate danger, call the emergency services on 999.
If you would like more information, or are interested in supporting our work, email norfolkresilienceforum@norfolk.gov.uk.
Our email inbox is monitored 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. We aim to get back to you within 10 days.
We may refer your email to one of our partner organisations if they are better placed to respond.
We cannot share any information about ongoing emergency responses. Find out where to get information you can trust during an emergency.
Training for responders
We offer training for responders in Norfolk, including our free 'Introduction to resilience and response' online course.