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Our partners

Norfolk Resilience Forum is a multi-agency partnership with representatives from emergency services, local authorities, and other local organisations.

Our partnership includes two categories of responders, as defined by the Civil Contingencies Act (CCA) 2004. These are:

  • Category 1: organisations that are directly involved in responding to most emergencies. This includes emergency services, local authorities, and NHS bodies. They must perform the full set of civil protection duties under the Civil Contingencies Act (CCA) 2004.
  • Category 2: organisations that are heavily involved in planning and response to incidents that affect their own sector. For example, the Health and Safety Executive, transport organisations, and utility companies. Under the Civil Contingencies Act, they must share information with other Category 1 and 2 responders.

We also have representatives from other local organisations, such as voluntary groups. They work with our Category 1 and 2 responders to support emergency response and resilience in Norfolk.

Emergency services

Local authorities

Health organisations

Government agencies

Utilities and transport companies

Voluntary groups

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