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Learning for responders

Introduction to resilience and response

'Introduction to resilience and response in Norfolk' is our free online course. It's designed to give you a better understanding of:

  • Resilience in Norfolk, and
  • How we respond to major incidents in the county

We created the course to develop and enhance knowledge of integrated emergency management.

The course is aimed at Norfolk Resilience Forum partners, but anyone with an interest in resilience can take part. It takes about 45 minutes to complete.

Launch the 'Introduction to resilience and response' online course

You will need to click on all interactive elements on each page of the course to move to the next page. Make sure you click on the arrows to expand text boxes.

Course assessment

If you are an emergency responder, you must complete a short assessment after you have finished the online course. You need to score at least 80% to enroll in further training with the Norfolk Resilience Forum.

The assessment is optional for anyone who is not an emergency responder.

Complete the 'Introduction to resilience and response' assessment

Joint Emergency Service Interoperability Programme (JESIP) training

The JESIP all staff e-learning is suitable for all responders from all responder organisations.

It supports understanding of:

  • Principles for joint working
  • The M/ETHANE method for passing information between services and their control rooms
  • The Joint Decision Model, which enables commanders to make effective decisions together

Further training for responders

We offer a range of training for responders in Norfolk. For information about our upcoming courses, speak to your organisation's emergency planner or email

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