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How to prepare for a flood

Steps you can take to protect yourself, your household, and your property against flooding.

A wooden front door with solid metal barrier in front of it to prevent water getting under the door

Sign up for flood warnings and know what they mean

Sign up to get warnings about flooding from rivers, the sea or groundwater.

The Environment Agency provides three types of flood warning:

Flood alert: black house in an orange triangle with 1 line of water at the bottom. Flood warning: black house in a red triangle with 2 lines of water at the bottom. Severe flood warning: red house in a red triangle with 3 lines of water at the bottom.

  • Flood alert - flooding is possible
  • Flood warning - flooding is expected
  • Severe flood warning - flooding could be a risk to life and significant disruption to communities

Read more about flood alerts and warnings on GOV.UK

Check local weather reports

Follow local weather reports - especially if your property is at risk of surface water flooding.

The Met Office provides weather warnings for the UK up to seven days in advance.

Protect your property

Don't wait until flooding looks likely to buy or install flood protection equipment.

Search the Blue Pages directory for property flood products and services to help you reduce the risk of flooding to your home or business. Flood doors, temporary flood barriers, and bin bags filled with soil are a good start.

Be Flood Smart explains what you can do to protect your home against flooding.

You can also find information about flood protection for homeowners on the Norfolk County Council website.

Let services know you need extra support

If you or a family member are vulnerable, check if you are eligible to sign up to your gas, energy, or water providers' Priority Service Registers.

Signing up to a Priority Service Register (PSR) lets your supplier know that you need extra support. This includes when your supply is interrupted due to flooding.

Contact your supplier or go to the Priority Services Register website to check if you're eligible.

Make a plan and get emergency supplies

Prepare your community

Some people may struggle more than others during a flood. This could be because they're older, disabled, or socially isolated.

Talk to your neighbours about creating a community emergency plan. Working together to plan for flooding will help keep everyone in your community safe.

Report a flood

If you are in immediate danger, call 999.

In non-emergency situations, call the Flooding Hotline on 0344 800 8013 or report flooding online.

Webpages related to How to prepare for a flood

What to do in a flood

How to keep yourself and others safe during a flood

Recovery after a flood

Clearing up after a flood and coping with the impact of flooding

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