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Cold weather and snow

Simple graphic of a snowflake and raindrops

Frost and snow can add an extra layer of magic to Norfolk's beautiful landscape - but cold weather can also cause disruption to our everyday lives.

Although climate change means we are having milder winters in the UK, severe cold weather is still likely. This can lead to:

  • Death or injury - including an increase in fractures (broken bones) and cases of hypothermia
  • Emotional and psychological trauma
  • Damage to homes and businesses
  • School closures and disruption of transport routes
  • Disruption of utilities - like electricity, gas, and water supplies

People who are more at risk

Cold weather and snow can affect anyone, but there are some groups who are more at risk:

  • People aged 65 and over
  • Pregnant women, babies, and children under 5 years old
  • People with long-term health conditions - like heart or kidney disease, asthma, or diabetes
  • Disabled people
  • People with a low income who cannot afford heating
  • People who live alone or who are socially isolated
  • People who are homeless or sleeping rough
  • Rural communities who don't have immediate access to local facilities like shops

Webpages in the Cold weather and snow section

Prepare for cold weather and snow

How to protect yourself, your household, and your property during cold weather

What to do in cold weather and snow

How to keep yourself and others safe and warm during cold weather

Staying warm and well in winter

Your health and wellbeing is important. Get advice to help you stay warm and well in cold weather.

Stay warm and well with Norfolk and Waveney ICS

Links related to Cold weather and snow

Current weather warnings

Check for weather warnings on the Met Office website

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