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Help children prepare for emergencies

Talking to your children about emergencies ahead of time can help them feel safer, more in control, and better able to cope if the unexpected does happen.

Father and child sitting at a table, talking about what is on the laptop in front of them.

Involve your children

Find out more about the risks for Norfolk and talk about emergency preparation with your family so that everyone knows what to do. 

Involve all the family in preparation activities, like creating a household emergency plan and putting together an emergency grab bag. Children can feel reassured knowing there's a plan in place.

Get your children involved in testing your smoke alarm and talk to them about what to do if the smoke alarm sounds.

Teach your children how to stay safe online - we've put together resources to help everyone use the internet safely.

Contacting the emergency services

Teach your children how and when to call 999. Make sure they know what they should do if there's an emergency, such as a fire in your home.

Get learning resources about calling 999 from the British Red Cross

Building their resilience

Building resilience in children helps them to cope when times are tough. It better prepares them to manage feelings of stress, anxiety, and uncertainty.  

Activities to help build resilience from Just One Norfolk

Let services know you need extra support

If you have a child under five living in your household you should be eligible to sign up to your gas, energy, or water providers' Priority Service Registers. 

You may also be eligible if you or a family member is considered vulnerable.

Signing up to a Priority Service Register (PSR) lets your supplier know that you need extra support.

Contact your supplier or go to the Priority Services Register website to check if you're eligible.

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