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What to do if there's a fire in your home

If a fire starts in your home: get out, stay out, and call 999.

A close-up of a smoke alarm during a fire, with smoke surrounding the alarm and flames glowing underneath.

Raise the alarm

Act quickly and let everyone in the house know about the fire.

Get everyone out

  • Get everyone out as soon as possible, using your pre-planned escape route. Don't waste time investigating or rescuing valuables.
  • If there is smoke, keep low where the air is clearer.
  • Before you open any doors, check if the door or doorknob is warm. If they are warm don't open them - there is fire on the other side.
  • If you can, close the door to the room where the fire is and close doors behind you as you leave. This will slow or stop the spread of fire.

Stay out and call 999

Leave the fire to the professionals.

Once you're out, stay out, call 999, and ask for the fire and rescue service.

Alert your neighbours

Once you're out of your property and safe, alert your neighbours to the fire if your home is close to theirs.

If your escape route is blocked

If you can't get out, get everyone into one room. If possible, pick a room with a window and a phone so you can call for help.

Block out the smoke by putting bedding, cushions or towels around the bottom of the door and covering internal vents.

Call 999 and signal for help at the window by shouting "HELP FIRE".

If your clothes catch fire

If your clothes catch fire, remember 'Stop, drop, and roll':

  • Stop what you are doing
  • Drop to the ground and cover your face with your hands
  • Roll over and over to put out the flames

Never run around - this will make the flames worse.

Getting pets out

If safe to do so, take your pets when you exit your home.

If you can't find your pet, leave the house, and call to them from a safe distance.

Find out more about looking after pets in an emergency.

Fire in a flat or high-rise building

If you live in a block of flats or a high-rise building, there will be specific guidance on what to do in the event of a fire.

You should have been given this information when you moved in. You can also find out your building's policy from whoever owns the building.

High-rise safety advice from Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service

Report a fire

If there is a fire in your home: get out, stay out, and call 999.

Webpages and links related to What to do if there's a fire in your home

Prepare against a fire

How to protect yourself, your household and your property and reduce the risk of fire

Recovery after a fire

Advice on what to do after a fire in your home from the British Red Cross

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